Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rich Morris' Doctor Who comics

Webcomic artist Rich Morris has made quite a name for himself in Doctor Who fandom for the numerous fan comics he's done for the show. His magnum opus The Ten Doctors started in 2007 and ran for around three years and almost 250 pages. The fact it included all ten of the Doctors, most of their companions, all of the classic villains, and featured a story that tied all of these elements together  and in a truly epic manner is quite an accomplishment.

After Rich finished with the Ten Doctors, he really started playing around with the possibilities for crossovers.  His second comic Forever Janette, featured the Paul McGann Eight Doctor running into the cast of the vampire police show Forever Knight. It was much more of a straightforward murder mystery (though it did involve bodies getting miniaturized via the Master's Tissue Compression Eliminator.)

His next story The Stalker of Norfolk, was written in conjunction with his wife Hilary Doda.  It plays as a straightforward historical, dealing with mysterious events in Elizabethan England. Rich set the story in that interim between Jo Grant leaving in The Green Death and Sarah Jane Smith arrival in The Time Warrior. He used that indefinite period to introduce an original character: Corporal Beverly Powell, UNIT Historian. The story starts with Beverly having a debate about Lord Robert Dudley, Queen Elizabeth's Master of Horse. Naturally the Doctor takes her on a trip in the TARDIS just to prove he's right. Beverly is a great character, she stands up well as a companion in her own right.

The last story Rich has completed is Outrage, which features another unlikely crossover. This time with Colin Baker's Sixth Doctor and the 80's cartoon Jem and the Holograms. Jem did have the advantage of being one of the more dramatically themed cartoons of the 80's, with ongoing plots through several episodes. Rich also shows some skill in making the often disregarded Sixth Doctor and making him an interesting character yet still the crass blowhard the fans know.

Beyond these completed works, he also has two other Doctor Who comic he's working on.  A Time To Kill is a James Bond crossover, with an added wrinkle regarding Bond's true nature. The other one focuses on the Daleks and their run in with the Xenomorphs of Aliens fame. It's simply titled Daleks vs. Aliens.

I definitely recommend a read through his archive when you have the opportunity.  His breadth of ideas and imagination is quite inspiring, especially to the gamers looking for possibilities.

Thinking of possibilities, on Rich's forum, back in 2010, I started the "This would be an Awesome Crossover!" Thread which has stayed active up up to this year. Everybody who reads the comic chimed in on their dream crossovers, and lots of spitballing with ideas. It's definitely worth a look just for some possible inspiration.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Weekend Write Ups: ALF

Here's another one of my oddball character write-ups. This time it's ALF from the 80's sitcom of the same name. The series focused on typical American family that has it's life turned upside down when an alien crash lands his ship in their garage. Keeping him out of sight of the authorities and the neighbors focus of a lot of the show, which was made more difficult by Alf's exceedingly difficult personality.  The series ran from 1986-1990, and in 1996 there was a follow-up TV movie titled Project ALF.

ALF (aka Gordon Shumway of Melmac)

Awareness 3      Coordination 2   Ingenuity  5
Presence 2         Resolve  4          Strength 2

Alien Organs (5 stomachs)
Immortal (major)
Keen Senses
Technically Adept


Alien Appearance
Last of My Kind
Tiny (minor)

Convince  3

Knowledge 3
Science 3
Subterfuge 3
Survival 2
Technology 4
Transport 4

Story Points: 12
Tech Level: 6

Gordon Shumway is an alien nicknamed ALF (an acronym for Alien Life Form) by the humans that took him in.  ALF's body is covered with fur and he has a rippled snout, facial moles and eight stomachs. His heart is apparently located in his head. He likes to burp and eat cats, and can whistle without opening his mouth. He was born on October 28, 1756 on the Lower East Side of the planet Melmac. Melmac was located six parsecs past the Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster, and had a green sky, blue grass and a purple sun.

ALF was gardener by profession back on his homeworld, but did serve as a reservist member of the Melmac Orbit Guard.  He was fortunate to be off planet at the time when nuclear disaster caused the destruction of his planet. Homeless with a damaged ship, he crash lands in the garage of the Tanner family when his ship locked in on HAM radio signal Willie Tanner was broadcasting. With nowhere to go the Tanner family took him in and helped him adjust to life of Earth and avoid the Air Force's Alien Task Force that was looking for him.

ALF lived with the Tanners for several years. When other survivors of his planet contacted him with information about their newly formed colony, he jumped at the chance to leave. But before he could escape the Alien Task Force caught up with him, and he found himself  a prisoner.

His captivity by the military was not kind to him, which did include various "experiments" on him that were little more than torture. While the senior officers and their pet scientists were downright xenophobic regarding ALF, his Airmen jailers were much more accommodating. They gave him many creature comforts and allowed to turn his cell into the center of a lot of illegal business on base. When one of the senior officers decided of his own accord to have ALF killed, two of the junior officers smuggled him off base.

ALF's fugitive status was relatively short lived, and when returned to the Air Force, the people responsible for his harsh captivity had been removed. He was further granted status of Ambassador to Earth, though after meeting ALF they  have reservations about how good an idea that really was.


In a UNIT campaign, the characters might be more inclined to run into ALF during his military captivity.  After the events in England with the Slitheen and Sycorax attacks, The US military might have to reveal ALF's existence as part of an information exchange. If he's been in their care since 1996 (the year the Project ALF movie was released) the US might end up foisting him upon UNIT just to be rid of him.

ALF's main role is obnoxious troublemaker, his impulsive nature makes him the one to push the big red button on the control panel, or to run off and try to do something on his own when he should be waiting on the rest of the group. His sarcastic nature sometimes gets the better of him, throwing out one of his quips at the most inopportune moments.

ALF does have his good side though, he is quite loyal to his friends and will try to make amends when he realizes he's gone too far. He is also quite the boffin, having created several gadgets over the years including converting Willie Tanner's HAM radio into a galactic communications system. Given the right motivation he could potentially be quite useful on the technical side.

Melmacians age so slowly they have for all practical purposes the Immortality trait. ALF is over two hundred years old, and likely to live for several more centuries. So it's likely the players could run into him on multiple occasions and points in history.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Cast of Dozens: UNIT Personnel

Need some UNIT personnel with a bit more character than just faceless minions in fatigues destined to get killed the second the monster shows up? Here's five folks from UNIT to help fill some blank spots.

UNIT Personnel

Captain Michael Greerson 
Oversexed Skirt Chasing Officer

Capt. Greer's a decent enough officer, he just can't keep it in his trousers. Any attractive female, human or otherwise, is fair game. He's acquired the nickname Captain Kirk due to his reputation for "conquering" a number of  visiting alien females. Though you don't want to ask him about the incident with the Vinvocci delegation.

Awareness  3      Coordination 4    Ingenuity  3        
Presence  4        Resolve  3           Strength  3

Good Traits
Attractive, Charming, Military Rank (Capitan), Lucky, Experienced

Bad Traits
Adversary-Various Angry Boyfriends/Husbands (minor), Obligation-UNIT (major) Obsession-Sex (minor)

Athletics 2,  Convince 3  Craft 1 , Fighting  3, Knowledge 2 , Marksman  3, Medicine 2, Subterfuge 2, Survival 2, Technology 2 , Transport 2

Story Points 9
Tech Level 5

Distinguishing Features: Recruiting poster good looks, fit and athletic. Lack of impulse control when it comes to women.


Dr. Allison Pettigrew 
Brilliant Scientific Advisor with the personality of a turnip

With a Doctorate in Quantum Physics and Mechanical Engineering, she's a valuable UNIT asset when it comes to dealing with alien technology and strange phenomena. Just don't try to talk to her in person. As long as she's isolated in her lab, or speaking by phone or webcam, she's fine. But put her in a room full of people she turns totally monosyllabic and starts to hyperventilate.

Awareness  3      Coordination 2     Ingenuity   5       
Presence  2        Resolve      2        Strength  3

Good Traits
Boffin, Photographic Memory, Run for Your Life!,  Technically Adept

Bad Traits
Insatiable Curiosity, Impaired Senses- Wears Glasses  Phobia-Social Anxiety (Minor)

Athletics 1, Convince 2 , Craft 1, Fighting  1, Knowledge  5, Marksman 1 , Medicine 1, Science 5, Technology 4, Transport 1 

Story Points 12
Tech Level 5

Distinguishing Features: Always wearing a lab coat. Multiple pencils stuck into her bun since she tends to forget about them.


Special Agent George Pendleton-Smith
Containment Officer

Ex-Torchwood, George has come over to UNIT and serves as the containment officer, aka the Cover-up Man. He learned a lot of tricks from his time in Torchwood, and applies that knowledge to keep UNIT out of the papers and the locals confused and uncertain about what really happened.

Awareness  4      Coordination 3    Ingenuity  5        
Presence  3        Resolve  3          Strength 3

Good Traits
Brave, Face in the Crowd, Friends- Torchwood Contacts, Voice of Authority

Bad Traits
By the Book, Obligation-UNIT

Convince 4, Fighting 2, Knowledge 3, Marksman 3, Subterfuge 4, Technology 2, Transport 2

Story Points 12
Tech Level 5

Distinguishing Features: Bland appearance, Stoic manner


Sergeant John McKenzie
Veteran UNIT NCO whose seen it all

 McKenzie has been in UNIT for over a decade and a half, and has seen more than his share of action. More than that, he's the most decorated soldier in UNIT and has become something of a legend in the agency.  He's taken down a Cyberman with a .22 rifle at thirty meters, head butted Weevils unconscious, and has been on the front line of UNIT's stickiest situations.

Awareness  3      Coordination 3
Ingenuity  4        Presence  3
Resolve  3          Strength 4

Good Traits
Brave, Crack Shot, Sharpshooter, Voice of Authority, UNIT Veteran, Military Rank (Sergeant), Tough
Bad Traits
Dependency-Tobacco (minor) Obligation-UNIT (major)

Athletics 2,  Convince 3, Fighting  4, Knowledge 2 , Marksman  4, Medicine 2, Subterfuge 2, Survival 2, Technology 2 , Transport 3
Story Points 12
Tech Level 5

Distinguishing Features: Large beefy man in fatigues. does the shouty drill sergeant routine quite well.


Corporal Ellie Wynant 
Young, Wide Eyed Company Clerk

Ellie signed up for military service out of school hoping to help pay for her university tuition. She knew she was no use as a front line soldier, but her organizational and computer skills were invaluable in command. She had expected getting stuck in some dingy base office in Afghanistan, so her UNIT posting was something of a surprise, even more so when she realised it what UNIT really entailed.

Awareness  4      Coordination 3
Ingenuity  3        Presence  3
Resolve  3          Strength 2

Good Traits
Attractive, Face in the Crowd, Photographic Memory

Bad Traits

Athletics 1, Convince 1, Fighting 2, Knowledge 5 (History+2), Marksman 3, Medicine 1, Subterfuge 1, Survival 1, Technology 4, Transport 2

Story Points 12
Tech Level 5

Distinguishing Features: Petite young woman, often has a clipboard and files in hand.

Friday, November 1, 2013

John Connor: Temporal War Criminal

Future John Connor from Terminator 2
The basic conceit of the Terminator franchise is that John Connor, leader of the human resistance is this great hero who is protecting humanity from Skynet. Even going as far as sending agents back in time to try and alter events to keep the Terminators from existing.

But is John Connor truly this great leader?  At least that's what the loyal resistance fighters of the future say about him. They have lived in a world of total war for years and John Connor seems to be the only glimmer of hope they have. As a result they are fanatically loyal and more than willing to lay down their lives for him. Kyle Reese's devotion to him is quite evident in his numerous monologues in the first Terminator movie.

All we have really ever seen of John Connor is younger man who finds himself propelled steadily closer to his eventual future. By a large degree, it is John Connor's future self that is manipulating events though his proxies in the first two movies. Even worse, in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chrocnicles it's clear the manipulations of both Skynet and the Resistance extend much farther than just John's existence. Both sides are engaging in a time active war against each other and it seems the more both sides change the past the more inevitable Judgement Day becomes.

By sending Reese and the second Terminator back in time, he pretty much ensures the very future of blood soaked death and destruction through predestined paradox. Without Kyle to impregnate Sarah, there is no John Connor, who never becomes the resistance leader Skynet must seek out before he is born, and thus their Terminator never falls into the hands of Cyberndyne Systems and the technology that creates Skynet never exists. The John Connor of the future must be aware of these facts when he arrives at the point where he must send Reese off to become his father.

Yet he chooses this path, and the world suffers for his decision. The war can be prevented by John Connor, if he chose to sacrifice his existence which was never meant to be.  More than a few writers have made Christ comparisons to John Connor,  but his future actions make it clear he is no savior of mankind. He is it's damnation by fire, and it is clearly a conscious action on the his part since he did it repeatedly.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Random NPC: Mavlor

Since it is close to Halloween, I thought at least one classic monster themed write up was in order. Since Doctor Who has already had multiple flavors of vampires, werewolves, mummies, and at least one Frankenstein's Monster, it seemed Universal's classic Creature from the Black Lagoon seemed like an appropriate addition.

Mavlor, the Gill Creature of the Dark Basin
Recently awoken Silurian

Mavlor is a member of a Silurian subspecies that was much more amphibious than most of their cousins (Sea Devils excepted.) They lived in and around swampy estuaries and deep river backwaters.

Like the rest of his people, Mavlor went into hibernation when the planetoid that would become the moon came close to the Earth, threatening their survival. When he awoken in the middle of the 20th century, he found he was the only one of his community to survive the millennia.Thinking himself alone, he resigned himself to a solitary life deep in the Amazon. He was aware that the ape creatures they used to keep had become these humans now roaming about. Mostly he's ignored them, the locals are fairly primitive and seem to fear him.

Though recently, some scientists from far away have come up the river looking for the so called "Fish Man". Mavlor is uncertain whether he should try and talk with these humans, or just try and frighten them off like the locals.

Awareness  4 Presence 4
Coordination 4  Resolve  4 
Ingenuity 3  Strength 5

Alien, Environmental (Amphibious), Natural Weapons (claws) , Alien Appearance [major], Weakness [minor-cold], Last of My Kind

 Athletics 4 (AoE: Swimming) Convince 1, Fighting 4, Knowledge 3, Medicine 2, Subterfuge 3, Survival 4, Technology 1

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Movie Review: History of Future Folk

The History of Future Folk is a low budget indie sci-fi comedy that's been screened at various film festivals and recently came out on DVD and VOD. It's a charming little movie  based around a fun and quirky idea.

The story revolves around General Trius (Nils d'Aulaire) the most decorated warrior of the planet Hondo. He has been sent to Earth to unleash a deadly plague that will wipe out the human race and allow the Hondorians to colonize. 

When Trius lands on Earth, he discovers music, a concept completely alien to Hondo. Falling in love with music and the planet that created it, he chooses not to go through with the planned destruction. He marries a human, gets a job and starts playing bluegrass at a local club. 

Later, when the Hondorians send an assassin to try and deal with their renegade, Trius uses the power of music to sway his would be killer named Kevin (Jay Klaitz) to his cause. Soon they join up to become the Alien Bluegrass Folk Duo Future Folk.

While the movie is clearly low budget in an almost classic Whovian manner, the charm of the story and the characters make it a fun ride in spite of the limitations. Did I mention the music? Yes, the original songs by the duo are quite fun. Here are the guys in character singing "Space Worms", it does very well to sum up the nature of the movie.

From a gaming perspective, I could easily see having the Hondorians and a younger General Trius as a recurring villain in your campaign. He's a competent soldier and his advanced technology could be a threat. In general he might be played less outright villainous like the Sontarans and much more of the dedicated soldier doing his duty. When he suddenly turns up on Earth as a musician, it ought to make the players really wonder what the heck is going on.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Book Review: Star Trek: From History's Shadow by Dayton Ward

From History's Shadow might remind a lot of Doctor Who readers of David Bishop's Who Killed Kennedy. Both stories serve to tie together a number of plot threads into a cohesive continuity.

While the original crew is part of the story, it's the parallel tale of Captain James Wainwright that really drives events. He was a minor character in the Deep Space Nine episode "Little Green Men" where the Roswell incident is the result of the Ferengi accidentally time travelling to 1947. Wainwright becomes part of Project Blue Book and throughout the 50's and 60's has run ins with the other time travelling incidents in Star Trek lore.

The book in general has an X-Files feel to it. With Wainwright and his partner Allison Marshall playing Mulder and Scully as they try to track down a group of time travelling aliens who are trying to interfere with Earth's history.  They also have to deal with the lack of support from the military and government, who regard Blue Book as a waste of time.

Gamers running a period Torchwood or UNIT campaign would find lots of interesting ideas out of this book. It plays heavily with the Temporal Cold War idea that was introduced in Star Trek: Enterprise (and honestly making it much more interesting here than the show ever did.) It's feasible the Temporal Cold War might be an extension of the Last Great Time War into the Star Trek Universe. And the book providing a look at events both through the eyes of locals trying to grasp what is happening and the time aware agents who are trying to alter events to their own advantage.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Star Trek Week: Troi and Guinan

Ship's Counsellor Deanna Troi

Deanna Troi was a half-Betazoid, half-Human Starfleet officer. Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, she served as ship's counselor aboard the USS Enterprise-D. As a half-Betazoid, Troi was capable of extra-sensory empathy, but was incapable of reading aliens with brain structures dissimilar to Humans and other Betazoids, such as the Breen and the Ferengi. Like most Betazoids, Troi had telepathic abilities; due to her half-Human heritage, however, the range of her telepathic abilities were limited compared to full-blooded Betazoids, and could usually only read the thoughts of other Betazoids, most notably her mother. Troi's empathic skills made her an important asset to the Enterprise and often came in handy when dealing with hostile races. Since she could usually tell if others were lying, she repeatedly proved herself invaluable in many suspenseful situations.

Awareness    3   Coordination 3
Ingenuity     3     Presence  4
Resolve        4    Strength 3

Good Traits (8)

Psychic Training

Bad Traits (-8)
Code of Conduct-Professional Ethics (minor)
Emotional Complication-Former Relationship with Riker (minor)
Obligation-Starfleet (major)
Obligation-To her patients (minor)
Weakness-Telepathic abilities very limited, mostly empathic feelings, and some non-human species were unreadable. (major)

Skills (22)

Convince 4 (Area of Expertise: Negotiation)

Knowledge  4 (Area of Expertise: Psychology)
Marksman  2
Medicine 2
Science 2
Subterfuge 2
Survival 1
Technology 1
Transport 1

Story Points 12
Tech Level 7


Guinan was the mysterious bartender in Ten Forward, the lounge aboard the USS Enterprise-D. She was well known for her wise counsel, which had proven invaluable many times. She was an El-Aurian, a race of "listeners" who were scattered by the Borg. Q, however, once suggested that there is far more to her than could be imagined.

Guinan came aboard the Enterprise-D in 2365 at Captain Picard's personal request. Guinan and Picard shared a long-time relationship, which, according to her, went "beyond friendship and beyond family", although she also claimed to have only met Picard after boarding the Enterprise.

Awareness  3      Coordination 3
Ingenuity  4        Presence  6
Resolve  4          Strength 3

Good Traits (5)
Feel the Turn of the Universe

Bad Traits (-5)
Insatiable Curiosity
Obligation-The Enterprise Crew (major)

Skills (24)
Athletics  2
Convince  5
Craft  3

Knowledge 5
Marksman 5
Subterfuge 2
Survival  2

Story Points 9
Tech Level 7

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Star Trek Week: Doctors Crusher and Pulaski

Continuing with the Star Trek: The Next Generation Write ups, I'm doing a double feature with the two women who served as  the ship's Chief Medical Officer; Dr. Crusher and Dr. Pulaski.

Dr. Beverly Crusher

Dr. Crusher was appointed chief medical officer of the Starship Enterprise-D in 2364, and joined the ship at Farpoint Station with Wesley, reporting on board on stardate 41154. Picard initially had reservations about her presence, but she assured him that the past would have no effect on her duties and she had no problem serving under his command.

Crusher was offered a position as head of Starfleet Medical in 2365 and left the Enterprise during that year. She was replaced by Dr. Katherine Pulaski. While at Starfleet Medical, she worked with the notorious Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hutchinson. Crusher found it difficult to be away, however, and decided to return to the ship the following year.

Beverly and Jean-Luc maintained a close friendship while serving on the Enterprise-D, usually sharing their morning meal together. Beverly usually tried to serve a new and exotic food, although she and Jean-Luc both preferred something simple. Their relationship stayed platonic for the most part. They considered one another close friends, and would give each other advice when dealing with difficult decisions. 

Awareness  3      Coordination 4
Ingenuity  4        Presence  3
Resolve  3          Strength 3

Good Traits (6)
Experienced (x1)
Rank (Starfleet Commander)
Voice of Authority

Bad Traits (-4)
Code of Conduct-Doctor's Oath (minor)
Emotional Complication-her relationship with Captain Picard (minor)
Obligation- Starfleet (major)

Skills (25)

Convince 3
Craft 3
Knowledge 4
Marksman 2
Medicine  4
Science 4

Technology 3
Transport 2

Story Points 9
Tech Level 7


Dr. Katherine Pulaski

Prior to serving on the Enterprise-D, she serves on the USS Repulse under Captain Taggart, who was sorry to lose her. Kate is a fairly traditional doctor, well versed in methods that her nurses consider archaic, such as splints. She has a cool bedside manner, and is known to prescribe "PCS", also known as "Pulaski's Chicken Soup", for minor ailments.

She is outgoing and much more bubbly and louder than the quiet, reserved Beverly Crusher. She also has a high-spirited nature and is known to be very charming toward most of the crew, while at the same time she likes to make humorous or even slightly sarcastic remarks every now and then. In short, she very strongly possesses a lot of archetypically "human" personality features.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard's working relationship with Dr. Pulaski is somewhat strained, and at the beginning of her service on the ship, her stubborn, brusque manner annoys him at times. Pulaski has some "personality" issues with Lieutenant Commander Data. Despite the fact that Data has always been seen as alive (and later won the legal rights of a sentient being), Pulaski thinks of Data merely as a machine, and does not understand why he wants to be human. She sometimes speaks about him in the third person while he is present, even referring to him as "it".

Awareness  3      Coordination 3
Ingenuity  4        Presence  3
Resolve  5          Strength 3

Good Traits (8)
Experienced (x2)
Rank (Starfleet Commander)

Bad Traits (-5)
Code of Conduct- Doctor's Oath (minor)
Eccentric-strong willed, technophobic (minor)
Obligation- Starfleet (major)

Skills (26)
Athletics 1
Convince 4
Knowledge 4
Medicine 4
Science 5
Subterfuge 3
Survival 1
Technology 2
Transport 2

Story Points 6
Tech Level 7 


Starfleet Medical Tricorder 

The palm sized medical tricorder used by Starfleet medical staff is an invaluable tool in helping analyze and diagnose the ailments that afflict the crew might encounter.

The tricorder comes with a small, detachable sensor that can be waved over the body of the patient to get a thorough examination.


Traits: Scan, Skill (Medicine), Restriction (Can only scan life forms)

Story Points: 1

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Star Trek Week: Worf and Yar

Lt. Commander Worf
Worf was born in 2340 on the Klingon homeworld as the son of Mogh. Five years later, his parents moved to the Khitomer colony. Worf's parents were killed during a surprise attack by the Romulans on the Khitomer outpost. The colony's distress call was answered by the Federation starship USS Intrepid. Chief Petty Officer Sergey Rozhenko found Worf in the rubble and took him in after failing to find any living relatives. Rozhenko and his wife Helena raised him on a small farm colony on the planet Gault, a world of about 20,000 inhabitants, almost all of them human.

In 2364 Worf was assigned to the USS Enterprise-D as relief flight control and tactical officer with the rank of lieutenant junior grade  The next year he was made Acting Chief of Security following the death of Natasha Yar, even though he believed that a promotion due to the death of a comrade was not honorable  The next year he transferred to operations division and was formally made Chief of Security.

Awareness   4     Coordination  4
Ingenuity     3     Presence  4
Resolve       4    Strength  6

Good Traits
Alien, Brave, Voice of Authority, Rank (Starfleet Lt. Commander) Tough, Never Gives Up (major) Martial Artist, Experienced (x1)

Bad Traits
Adversary-House of Duras (minor) Alien Appearance, Argumentative, By the Book, Distinctive, Eccentric-Stoicism (minor), Impulsive, Obsession-Restrain his Klingon nature (minor) Obligation-Starfleet (major) Obligation- To his House and the Klingon Empire (minor)

Fighting 4 (Area of Expertise: Bat'Leth)
Marksman 4
Medicine 1
Subterfuge 2

Story Points 9
Tech Level 5

Distinctive Features:  Klingon Brow ridges, scowling demeanor


 Lieutenant Natasha Yar

 Tasha was born in 2337 on the failed colony world of Turkana IV. Her sister, Ishara, was born five years later. Both of their parents were killed shortly following Ishara's birth, after which they were looked after by "some people" for a few months who later abandoned them, leaving Tasha to care for them both. Tasha had to avoid rape gangs and terrible violence just to scavenge for the bare necessities of life, such as food.

 Tasha managed to find a way off Turkana IV in 2352 by the age of fifteen. Ishara and Tasha never saw one another again. Tasha began to attend Starfleet Academy soon after her escape. Tasha credited Starfleet for saving her from her previous life.  She joined security because of the lawless environment in which she grew up.

Awareness   4     Coordination 3
Ingenuity     3     Presence  3
Resolve       3     Strength  3

Good Traits
Attractive, Brave, Crack Shot, Rank (Starfleet Lieutenant

Bad Traits
Impulsive, Obligation-Starfleet (major)

Athletics 1
Convince 1

Fighting  3
Knowledge  2
Marksman  4
Medicine  1

Subterfuge 2
Survival 3
Technology  2
Transport  2

Story Points 12
Tech Level 5

Distinctive Features:  Athletic, reserved nature,

Monday, May 13, 2013

Star Trek Week: LaForge and Data

This Friday, Star Trek: Into Darkness opens in theaters here in the US, so I thought I'd count down this week with write-ups for the Next Generation cast.

Lt. Commander Geordie LaForge

Geordie was born blind, but was fitted early in life with a VISOR. A cybernetic implant that gave him access to the full electromagnetic spectrum.

LaForge began his service aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise as junior lieutenant serving as helmsman. His technical aptitude eventually lead him to become the ship's Chief Engineer.

His closest friend on the Enterprise is Data, though all of the crew appreciate Geordie's easy going nature.  

Awareness  3      Coordination 3
Ingenuity  4        Presence  3
Resolve  3          Strength 3

Good Traits (8)
Cyborg (minor)

Military Rank (Starfleet Lt. Commander )
Technically Adept

Bad Traits (-5)
Impaired Senses- Blindness (major)
Obligation- Starfleet (major)

Skills (20)
Fighting  2
Knowledge 3 (Area of Expertise: Warp Physics)
Marksman  3 (Area of Expertise: Phaser)

Survival 2
Technology 4 (Area of Expertise: Starship Systems)
Transport  3

Story Points 9
Tech Level 7

Distinctive Features: Always wears VISOR, positive nature


Geordie's VISOR (minor gadget)
The VISOR, acronym for Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement, was a medical device used in the Federation to aid patients who had suffered loss of eyesight or who were born blind. The VISOR detected electromagnetic signals across the entire EM spectrum between 1 Hz and 100,000 THz and transmitted those signals to the brain through neural implants in the temples of the individual via delta-compressed wavelengths. The result was a vastly different visual acuity, with VISOR-wearers able to see in the infrared and ultraviolet ranges and beyond. To normal Human eyes, the images relayed through the VISOR could seem disorienting and unfamiliar.

Traits: Scan, Restriction (Removable, character is blind without it)
Story Points: 1

Lt. Commander Data

Data was the fifth of six known androids designed by Dr. Noonian Soong. He was built on the planet Omicron Theta around 2336, after Lore was deactivated, and over the protests of Soong's wife Juliana. Soong claimed he built Data to perfect his design of his androids, and when Data was perfected, apply his improvements to Lore. But before that happened, the colony was attacked by the Crystalline Entity. Data had been deactivated at the time and most of the colony wiped out.

Data was found and reactivated by the USS Tripoli after the Crystalline Entity destroyed the entire colony on the planet. His connection with Starfleet resulted in his choice to enter Starfleet Academy. Upon applying to the Academy, he met with some resistance on "the grounds that he was not a sentient being". Eventually Data was admitted to the Academy in 2344, and spent four years there. 

 Data served as operations officer and second officer on board the USS Enterprise-D from 2364 until the vessel's destruction in 2371.  Since he did not require sleep, he routinely stood night watch on the bridge. He frequently participated in many of the away missions undertaken. His speed of thought and great strength made him an important asset to the ship, and the fact that he was unaffected by disease, radiation, or mind control was vital on more than one occasion. 

Awareness  6      Coordination 5
Ingenuity  5        Presence  3
Resolve  4          Strength 7

Good Traits (12)
Boffin (major)
Photographic Memory (major)
Quick Reflexes
Rank (Starfleet Lt. Commander)
Tough (x2)
Experienced (x3)

Bad Traits (-12)
By the Book
Last of My Kind
Obligation- Starfleet (major)
Eccentric-Babbles (minor)
Code of Conduct-Programming (major)
Weakness-Deactivation Switch: will render Data unconscious (major)
Weakness-Hackable: Data can be remotely programmed to act without free will (major)

Skills (24)

Fighting  2
Knowledge  6
Marksman  3
Science 5
Technology 5
Transport 3

Story Points 3
Tech Level 7

Distinctive Features: pale golden skin, expressionless face

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Stop whatever you are doing and listen.

Commander Chris Hadfield of the Canadian Space Agency has been a in command of the 35th mission aboard the International Space Station. While there he's made quite quite good use of his downtime on the station to engage in a lot of social media outreach. He's traded tweets with the Star Trek cast, has done a number of Youtube videos and posted lots of wonderful images of the Earth from their vantage point.

Commander Hadfield's mission aboard the ISS is scheduled to be completed tomorrow, with the crew returning to Earth on a Soyuz capsule. And his sign off to his social media followers is a wonderful tribute to David Bowie's classic "Space Oddity".

 Yes ladies and gentlemen; the world's first music video from space.

Star Trek Week: Captian Picard and Commander Riker

This Friday, Star Trek: Into Darkness opens in theaters here in the US, so I thought I'd count down this week with write-ups for the Next Generation cast.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Jean-Luc Picard was a celebrated Starfleet officer, archaeologist and diplomat who served during the latter half of the 24th century. The highlights of his career were centered around assignments as commanding officer of the Federation starships: USS Stargazer, USS Enterprise-D, and the USS Enterprise-E. In these roles, Picard not only witnessed the major turning points of recent galactic history, but played a key role in them also, from making First Contact as captain of the Federation's flagship with no fewer than 27 alien species, including the Ferengi and the Borg, as well as becoming the chief contact point with the Q Continuum, to serving as Arbiter of Succession- where he presided over the investiture of Chancellor Gowron, and exposing the Romulan Star Empire as backers of his chief rivals, later aiding an Romulan underground movement of dissidents to gain a toehold on the Romulan homeworld. He continued to serve as captain of the Enterprise-E, the sixth starship to bear the name, until at least 2379.
Awareness  3      Coordination 3
Ingenuity  4        Presence  4
Resolve  4          Strength 3

Good Traits (10)
Experienced (x2)
Military Rank (Starfleet Captain)
Technically Adept
Voice of Authority

Bad Traits (-10)
Adversaries (major)
By the Book
Code of Conduct-Prime Directive (major)
Obligation-Starfleet (major)
Obsession-Archaeology (minor)
Insatiable Curiosity
Eccentric-difficulty dealing with children (minor)

Skills (31)
Athletics  2
Convince  3 (Area of Expertise: Negotiation)
Craft 2
Fighting  2
Knowledge  3 (Areas of Expertise: Diplomacy, Starfleet, Military Tactics)
Marksman 3 (Area of Expertise: Phaser)
Medicine 1
Science  2
Subterfuge 2
Survival  2
Technology 2
Transport  2

Story Points 6
Tech Level 7

Distinctive Features: Bald, Hawkish looks, resonant voice, projects authority.

Commander William T. Riker

 Will Riker has served as First Officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise for many years. He's developed from a brash young officer into a seasoned leader who has held his own against grave threats including the first attempted invasion of the Alpha Quadrant by the Borg.

He previously had an intimate relationship with his fellow officer Deanna Troi, but they chose to remain friends during much of their service aboard the Enterprise. He pursued several other relationships during his tenure as First officer.
Awareness  3      Coordination 4
Ingenuity  3        Presence  4
Resolve  4          Strength 3

Good Traits (7)
Experienced (x1)
Military Rank (Starfleet Commander)
Voice of Authority

Bad Traits (-4)
Obligation- Starfleet (major)

Skills (24)
Athletics 1
Convince  2
Craft 1
Fighting  3
Knowledge 3
Marksman  3 (Area of Expertise: Phaser)
Subterfuge 2
Survival 2
Technology 2
Transport  3 (Area of Expertise: Shuttlecraft)

Story Points 9
Tech Level 7

Distinctive Features: Beard, Rugged Good Looks, Athletic


Military Rank (Starfleet)

The military rank trait system from the UNIT Sourcebook works the same way for Starfleet personnel,the only difference is the titles.

Rank Trait                          Ranks

None                          Crewman* or Ensign
Minor                   Chief Petty Officer* or Lieutenant 
Major                        Lieutenant Commander
Major x2                             Commander
Major x3                               Captain

*These ranks are non-commissioned officer positions.

The first and most important piece of equipment in Star Trek is of course the Starship Enterprise.  So using a combination of the Defending the Earth Sourcebook and the Primeval base traits I came up with appropriate base stats for the ship.

USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D

The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was a Federation Galaxy-class explorer that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century. This was the fifth Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise. During her career, the Enterprise served as the Federation flagship.

Good Traits: Armoury, Computing Power, Database Access, Defence System, Fortified, Holding Cells, Internal Sensors, Laboratory, Landing Pad, Lockdown, Medic, Minions, Mobile Base, Secure Base, Training, Troops

Bad Traits: Code (Prime Directive), Main Reactor, Ongoing Mission, Wandering Civilians (Dependants and non Starfleet Personnel aboard)

Base Points: 12

Saturday, May 11, 2013

It's Star Trek Week!

Friday May 17th marks the opening of Star Trek: Into Darkness, and I thought this week would be a good time to provide some DWAITAS write-ups for the Next Gen cast.

The Next Generation cast seems most appropriate following the IDW Comics crossover series (and source of the image at left.)

So, starting tomorrow there will be daily posts providing two character write-ups for the Next Gen cast, plus a few extra gadget entries for some of the more important equipment.


 It really wouldn't be that hard to use the DWAITAS system for a full on Star Trek Campaign. Both shows (especially TNG) were big on the idea of non-violent solutions to problems, and the DWAITAS system's very storytelling oriented nature would be a good fit for those looking for that kind of game.

The numerous (if sometimes contradictory information) from the pre-existing Trek RPGs makes for a vast array of source material. While I have neverplayed it, I was given the understanding the classic FASA Star Trek RPG utilized a similar game mechanic to FASA's Doctor Who rules. Marmal over at the DWAITAS forum had a simple manner for converting FASA Who stats to DWAITAS. Conceivably it could be used with FASA's Trek material.

Subtract 1 from the levels of all the NPCs (except possibly for the Doctor and TV companions) and you've got the AITAS stat.

 Though no real promises on that though, I have never played the Trek system so I really couldn't swear this would work or not. Then you have the problem of actually scrounging up the now thirty year old game books!

Of course, with Memory Alpha, and Memory Beta wikis covering all of the official Star Trek material and the non-canonical material respectively. The internet provides extensive source material for any game you might want to play. The only real limitation is your imagination.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Adventure Seed: Polybius

Back in the early 80's during the hight of the video game craze, there's an urban legend about the video game Polybius. It supposedly gave people who played it nightmares and suicidal thoughts, and it shortly disappeared after it's release. Some claimed it was a secret government experiment, maybe it's origins are even more sinister. This scenario would probably work better with a UNIT or Torchwood based campaign.

The players have come to Silicon Valley in the early 1980's to look into some strange incidents involving young people. Many have disappeared, and some have turned back up in catatonic states. A little research on all the victims discovers they were all avid video game players, and this new game that’s showed up around town, Polybius, has been the big attraction for all of them. Talking with the players at some of the arcades, the kids mention the game seems to disappear pretty soon after they show up. They think it's their parents complaining and the owners pulling the machines. Except the owners of these arcades have never heard of these machines! If you use the arcade player grapevine, you soon find a machine, and the owner of the arcade is wondering where it came from. If you can convince the owner to let you take a look inside the machine, things suddenly get out of hand, the game unit's screen starts making a pulsing glow, and attacks with an electrical blast. Then it just teleports away, leaving the injured and confused.


The Polybius is an alien computer. It was a tyrannical central authority on it's home world, and controlled through it's merciless iron will. Finally the people of the world rallied together to try and remove the machine, but before it was
overthrown, it launched a massive number of Nodes out into the stars, planning on spreading it's power off world.

Landing on Earth, it found humans easy enough to control, but it needed more computing power and energy to truly take over.. It was able to establish itself within a company making arcade games, and began building nodes within their games to help increase it's control and power. The Nodes have been hypnotizing the gamers (especially the highly successful ones) and having them come to the factory. Polybius is using their brains as organic computer power to help expand it's abilities and build more Nodes.

It's objective is conquest of the planet, it wants to establish control through it's hypnotizing Nodes and systematically incorporate everyone into it's network. At least those it can use, otherwise they end up catatonic like some of the kids.


Track down the Polybius factory. Free the people under it's control, and figure out how to shut it down.


The Polybius Computer is stationary and defenseless, but it's Arcade Game Nodes can teleport freely and can either use it's screens to try and hypnotize or attack. It should almost be like the Weeping Angels movements, literally appearing out of nowhere with the glowing screens throbbing menacingly.


The kids at the arcade that know what's going on. Maybe a PI who's been hired by the parents to find their missing child. Maybe some of the aliens from it's home world have arrived on a mission to ensure it's eradication.


A running fight within the highly automated Polybius factory.


Figuring out a way to free the hypnotized people from the Polybius control. Shutting down the main computer and interfering with the Node teleport signals.


This wasn't the only Node released, it may be encountered elsewhere.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Cast of Dozens: Background NPCs for the game

Instead of the usual weekend write up with a single detailed character, I'm doing a group of related characters your players can run across in your adventures. Some a directly inspired by certain TV shows and movies, others are more generic in nature.

This week's collection is your typical (or maybe not so typical) rural villagers. Almost all of them have  potential story hooks in their backgrounds, and can easily be dropped into a game.

 The Village of Mayburleigh
A  quaint little village that is not quite what it seems

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

10 Characters on other TV shows that would make Great and/or Terrible Companions

I ran across a couple posts on WhatCulture arguing about what characters on other TV shows would make great companions and which ones would be terrible.

I don't think either list is very good, but the supposedly "Great Companion" list is by far worse.  At the number one spot is Sheldon Cooper , whom I have already done a write-up (along with the rest of the BBT cast) over at the DWAITAS message board. Regardless of what that blog thinks, Sheldon would be terrible in the TARDIS. Considering that his entire self image (hell his whole reality!) is based around the idea that he is the smartest person in the room. Any time he's confronted by someone who could truly challenge him intellectually, he's either reverts to downright childish behavior (like when he's verbally sparred with Leslie Winkle) or completely shuts down, uncertain how to react (worst case being when Stephen Hawking pointed out a math error in his paper and he fainted.) The Doctor, in his usual show-offy manner, would have Sheldon turned into a puddle within minutes of meeting him, and the second a monster showed up, it would be a pretty good guess that Sheldon's Mother really would need to have him tested again.

Of the other choices on the "Great Companions" list, I'd say the kid from Touch, Chandler from Friends, and Hiro Nakamura from Heroes, are the equally bad for different reasons. Chandler is just an idiot, has nothing resembling useful skills,  and unless the Daleks do us all a favor and exterminate him on sight he would be a total waste. The Kid and Hiro are pretty much on the opposite end of things, with too much power. Hiro's space-time bending and the kid's numerical clairvoyance would end up being power upgrades for deus ex machina that the Doctor often is.

As for the "Terrible Companions" list,  I just think the writer just threw out some names and didn't really try. Personally, I think most of them would work not as Companions, but as potential antagonists and villains. Take Mr. Bean for example, what if he was some kind of temporal anomaly that acted as a kind of anti-Doctor.  Popping up throughout history and wreaking havoc through his incompetent bumbling? Maybe he was chosen by the Black Guardian as his ultimate champion? What better instrument of Chaos and Disorder than someone who fully embodies such traits?

I could see situations where B.A. Baracus and the rest of the A-Team might find themselves in conflict with the TARDIS crew. It's not uncommon for Doctor Who stories to revolve around wealthy, powerful, and unscrupulous people.  Henry Van Statten , Luke Rattigan, or Joshua Naismith are all the kind of men that will trample over as many backs needed to achieve their goals. This is exactly the kind of situation the A-Team would often be called in to rectify. Considering the standard operating procedure for the A-Team includes them storming their enemy's stronghold and delivering an ultimatum, it might be really bad timing they show up right as the bad guy starts up some big plot and things go awry due to their interference.

Wesley Crusher of course, was the child prodigy of Star Trek that ended up gaining some kind of Vortex manipulation powers from his friend the Traveler. And all of this happened (relatively speaking) before the Last Great Time War. It might be the Traveler's people found themselves involved in the Time War, and Wesley might have ended up on the front lines. Much like the Doctor, he ends up sacrificing much to save reality, maybe finding himself trapped in strange alternate universe where nothing of his future exists. The once bright and hopeful Starfleet officer is now a damaged war survivor with an agenda, to return home, whatever it takes. He's probably had to break a lot of the rules Starfleet and the Traveler instilled into him just to survive, and now he's willing to burn worlds just to go back to where he belongs.

They do list BBC's Sherlock on the "Terrible" list. Like some of the other characters, he would not be an outright villain, but someone who starts out on the opposite side of the TARDIS crew. If they are trying to keep a secret and Sherlock is hellbound determined to uncover it, that would provide quite a bit of conflict for an adventure without him actually being a straight off bad guy.

Now Ted Mosby from "How I Met Your Mother" is clearly an outright villain*. I suspect he's a memory changing entity like Adam Smith, and this intricate tale he's telling these kids is an attempt to make them believe he is their father and belongs in their lives.

Since I go by the belief that all of the Hitchhiker's books exist within the same reality as Doctor Who, I would assume the Doctor has run into Zaphod Beeblebrox on a few occasions. They would definitely be antagonistic in a long standing rivalry of one-upsmanship and juvenile pranksertism. I could definitely see their last drinking binge together ended with the Doctor waking up with a hell of a hangover and in the First Queen Elizabeth's bed.

 It's unavoidable that everyone would have their own ideas for what character would be a great companion and which ones would be rubbish. The concept of the show lends itself so well to crossovers it's no surprise fans come up with ideas like this, and even less of a surprise fans comment incessantly about it:)

*And so is his actor, I mean, it's obvious the guy playing him is also some kind of experiment by the Silence to create a human with their abilities. Seriously, go look up his IMDB page and five minutes later, try remembering what his name is!

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Oblivion is the new Tom Cruise sci-fi action film that came out a few weeks ago. I finally got around to seeing it, and thought about what I took away from the movie for use in the game.
To say the least...Spoliers ahead.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Something Useful: Random Adventure Generator

Okay, I'm outright lifting this idea from the late 80's West End Games Ghostbusters RPG. One of the fun and useful things their GM's manual had (along with a load of fun adventure hooks in the back) was a random adventure generator. I added an extra table for the time period and changed the people and places, but it's pretty much the same idea as Ghostbusters used.

Just roll two dice for each table, read the numbers one at a time, and voilà! Or just cherry pick some ideas into useful story if that works for you.


1-1  Reality TV/ Documentary Film Crew
1-2  Crew of Smugglers
1-3  Tourists
1-4  Minor Government Official
1-5  Amateur Paranormal Researcher
1-6  University Professor
2-1  A Professional Musician/ Singer
2-2  Priest/Cleric
2-3  Disguised Alien
2-4  Artificial Intelligence/ Robot
2-5  A Famous Celebrity/ Historical Figure
2-6  Homeless People
3-1  Wealthy Family
3-2  Private Investigator
3-3  Scientists
3-4  Work Crew
3-5  Farmers
3-6  Diplomats
4-1  Friends on a Road Trip
4-2  A Rock Band
4-3  Spies
4-4  Bar/ Pub patrons
4-5  Police/Military Squad
4-6  Teenagers
5-1  Medical Staff
5-2  Campaigning Politician
5-3  Archaeologist
5-4  Prince/ Princess
5-5  Mobster/ Organized Crime
5-6  Refugees
6-1  Resistance Fighters
6-2  Fugitives
6-3  Journalist/ Writer
6-4  Circus Performers
6-5  Businessman 
6-6  Roll Two Times


1-1  Imperial Rome
1-2  American Civil War
1-3  Old West
1-4  Revolutionary France
1-5  Victorian England/Late 19th Century America
1-6  World War II
2-1  The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire
2-2  1950's
2-3  Medieval Times
2-4  Tudor England
2-5  Pre-Columbian America
2-6  Modern Day
3-1  Post Human Abandoned Earth
3-2  The Cyberwars
3-3  Edwardian Britain/Prohibition Era America
3-4  1960's
3-5  The 51st Century
3-6  Future Earth Colony
4-1  Draconian Empire
4-2  Dalek War Era
4-3  1980's
4-4  Late 21st Century Space Age
4-5  The Ice Age
4-6  The Galactic Alliance Era
5-1  Regency England/ Revolutionary America
5-2  1970's
5-3  A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away
5-4  Colonized Mars
5-5  1990's
5-6  Dalek Conquered Future
6-1  Ancient Egypt
6-2  Nondescript Alien world
6-3  Parallel Time Line
6-4  World War I
6-5  The 25th Century
6-6  Outside of Time and Space as we understand it


1-1  Mansion/ Large House
1-2  Research Facility
1-3  Space Station
1-4  Lighthouse
1-5  Office Building
1-6  Market/ Bazaar
2-1  Desert
2-2  Ship/ Sea Vessel
2-3  Sewers
2-4  Arctic Tundra
2-5  Hotel
2-6  Spaceship
3-1  Mine
3-2  Warehouse/ Industrial
3-3  Mountains
3-4  Apartment Complex
3-5  Jet Airliner/ Airship
3-6  Forest
4-1  Church
4-2  Museum
4-3  Restaurant/ Bar
4-4  Castle
4-5  Cemetery/ Crypt
4-6  Gated Community
5-1  Nightclub/ Lounge
5-2  Beach
5-3  Embassy
5-4  Swampland
5-5  Subway
5-6  Stadium/ Colosseum
6-1  Government Building
6-2  Military Base
6-3  Lakes/ Rivers
6-4  Moorland
6-5  Department Store
6-6  Historical Landmark


1-1  Ancient Prophecy Being Fulfilled
1-2  Something Grows Mysteriously
1-3  Strange Weather
1-4  Lost Contact with Someone
1-5  Animated Vegetation
1-6  UFO Sightings
2-1  Unexplained Artifact
2-2  People Disappearing
2-3  Spontaneous Rioting
2-4  Out of Control Experiment
2-5  Unexplained Power Loss
2-6  Supposed Cryptids (Big Foot/Loch Ness Monster)
3-1  Ghosts
3-2  Something Shrinks Mysteriously
3-3  Things Appearing from Nowhere
3-4  Spontaneous Combustion
3-5  Animated Objects
3-6  Body Swapping
4-1  Things Vanishing
4-2  Apparent Invasion Panic
4-3  Temporal Displacement
4-4  Clones/ Duplicates
4-5  Mysterious Activities by Government/ Corporation
4-6  Walking Dead
5-1  Technology that Shouldn't Exist Yet
5-2  Unexplained Deaths
5-3  Nations at Brink of War
5-4  History has Gone Wrong
5-5  Village Full of Peculiarity
5-6  Presumed Hoax
6-1  Doorway to Another World
6-2  Dinosaurs
6-3  Things Changing into Something Else
6-4  Amnesia
6-5  Doomsday Device
6-6  Illusions


1-1  Silurians (Three Eyed)
1-2  Ice Warriors
1-3  Raxacoricofallapatorians
1-4  Mad Scientists
1-5  Rutan
1-6  Catkind
2-1  Blowfish
2-2  Ogrons
2-3  Daleks (Post Time War)
2-4  Graske
2-5  Silurians (Lizard)
2-6  Judoon
3-1  Dominators
3-2  Cybermen (Cybus)
3-3  Spies
3-4  Autons
3-5  Abzorbaloff
3-6  Sontaran
4-1  Daleks (Pre- Time War)
4-2  Bane
4-3  Cryons
4-4  Wirrn
4-5  All Powerful Disembodied aliens
4-6  Osiran
5-1  Quarks
5-2  Dhravins
5-3  Kastrians
5-4  Cybermen (Invasion-Revenge Era)
5-5  Foamasi
5-6  Saturnyians
6-1  Zygons
6-2  Kraals
6-3  Cybermen (Earthshock)
6-4  Weeping Angels
6-5  Sea Devils
6-6  Daleks (New Paradigim)